7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

Boat sales

In 1989, we set up our own ship­yard : first called Chantier RECLA, then Con­struc­tions Poly­ester du Cen­tre (CPC) in Digoin in south­ern Bur­gundy, France. Our boats, imag­ined and designed by peo­ple with a pas­sion for boat­ing, have become must-haves on the water­ways : the Tar­pon, the Tri­ton, the Espade, the Fred and, more recent­ly, La Péniche.

Our boats are built in many dif­fer­ent ver­sions (in terms of size and cab­in configuration).

CPC is an expert in con­struc­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly join­ery and cab­i­net mak­ing. This means we can design and build cus­tom boats to cus­tomer specifications.

The Tar­pon range of boats has been a great suc­cess thanks to the inte­ri­ors and liv­ing spaces that con­tain all the nec­es­sary com­forts. The vari­ety of our products/​proposals in riv­er and sea tourism has enabled us to become a bench­mark in the world of boat hire over the last 20 years.

CPC is part of the Canalous Group.

Most of the boats built by CPC are avail­able for char­ter with Canalous.

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