7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

Boat sales

The Poly­ester Con­struc­tion Cen­tre site, which is based in Digion in Bur­gundy, France, has been man­u­fac­tur­ing the RECLA boats, the Tar­pon, the Tri­ton, the Espade and the Fred, since 1989.

These boats are pro­duced in numer­ous dif­fer­ent ver­sions (in terms of size and cab­in layout).

CPC’s exper­tise in con­struc­tion, and in par­tic­u­lar in car­pen­try and cab­i­netry, means that CPC can cre­ate and man­u­fac­ture cus­tom boats on request by the customer.

The range of Tar­pon boats has enjoyed great suc­cess due to their large, inside liv­ing spaces where you can find almost all your home com­forts. Its dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions in its river/​sea ver­sions have made it a true ref­er­ence in the yacht­ing world for over 20 years.

The major­i­ty of boats man­u­fac­tured by CPC are avail­able for hire from the FPP trav­el network.

==> See our website

Con­tact Vente EN