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Photo contest

Try to win a river cruise thanks to your photos !

Have you been on a riv­er cruise with Les Canalous /​France Pas­sion Plaisance ?

We invite you to take part in the “My most beau­ti­ful riv­er pho­tos” competition.

With a one week cruise on board a Tar­pon 32 (capac­i­ty 6 – 8 people),
from one of our bases in France !

To par­tic­i­pate, noth­ing could be easier :

1 — Choose your 3 pho­tos accord­ing to the 3 fol­low­ing themes :

The boat & you — The land­scape — Cre­ative photography

photo-contest uk

2 — Send your 3 pho­tos (in high def­i­n­i­tion) to concours-​photos@​f2p.​net indicating :

a short descrip­tion for each pic­ture, the boat you sailed on and the des­ti­na­tion of your riv­er hol­i­day.
For those of you who are more of a writer, feel free to send us a more com­plete sto­ry. A nice text will get more votes !

3 — We will pub­lish your series of 3 pho­tos on a page ded­i­cat­ed to the competition
which will be pub­lished on our web­sites, newslet­ter and Face­book page

4 — The per­son who receives the most “votes” on one of their pho­tos among the 3 themes will be the grand prize win­ner of a one-week cruise for 8 peo­ple in a Tar­pon 32 depart­ing from one of our Canalous bases in France*.

The sec­ond place pho­to in one of the oth­er two remain­ing cat­e­gories will win a mini-week cruise in a Tar­pon 32*!

Final­ly, the 3rd pho­to with the most “votes” in the remain­ing cat­e­go­ry will win 2 nights** in a Toue Cabanée !

It’s up to you !

Con­sult the rules of the competition

Par­tic­i­pants in the com­pe­ti­tion agree to give their pho­tos to Les Canalous so that they can use them for the com­pe­ti­tion and for their com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Lim­it­ed to 1 prize per participant
Votes open from 28/​11/​2024 to 4/​03/​2025
Results from 19 March 2025

*From Bur­gundy (Digoin, Chatil­lon-en-Bazois, Mail­ly-le-Château, Pon­tailler-sur-Saône, Louhans, Bri­are), Mayenne-Sarthe (Che­nil­lé-Changé), the Char­ente (Cognac), the Lot (Luzech), the Canal du Midi (Car­cas­sonne, Colom­biers, Homps, Agde), the Camar­gue (Carnon) or Alsace-Lor­raine (Wal­tenheim sur Zorn, Languimberg).

Valid for a cruise between March/​April 2025 and October/​November 2025
Sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty — Exclud­ing fuel and insur­ance costs and extras.

** Valid for 2 nights at Vil­lage Toue des Demoi­selles includ­ed in March/​April 2025 and September/​October 2025. Sub­ject to availability.

Good luck !