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Our waterway cruises Burgundy

Hire a licence free boat in Burgundy

With no less than 1,200 km of nav­i­ga­ble water­ways, Bur­gundy is undoubt­ed­ly the region of choice for riv­er tourism enthusiasts.

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Discover Burgundy by boat

Sud Nivernais — Loire Valley

Châtil­lon-en-Bazois is sit­u­at­ed at the tran­si­tion point between the Niver­nais and the Mor­van in a green set­ting that’s well worth dis­cov­er­ing. The Niver­nais canal flows through vil­lages, châteaux, val­leys, plains and hills, forests and rivers. Decize is sit­u­at­ed at the junc­tion of the Niver­nais canal and canal Latéral à la Loire, where var­i­ous water­ways come togeth­er. Roman­tic walks, gourmet stop­ping points and his­tor­i­cal walks await as you trav­el up the Loire towards Nev­ers and then the vine­yards of Sancerre.

South Burgundy

Digoin is a water­way nav­i­ga­tion hub, locat­ed at the heart of Charo­lais with its famous white cat­tle, as well as at the con­flu­ence of 3 canals. To the south, the Roanne-Digoin Canal, also called “the qui­et canal”, offers a shad­ed cir­cuit, invit­ing you to moor up in the wild nat­ur­al set­ting of Brion­nais, by the Loire, where the cat­tle are fat­tened. To the east, the Canal du Cen­tre flows from Loire en Saône, cut­ting through the val­ley of ceram­ics as it cross­es Paray-le-Moni­al, a fine exam­ple of Bur­gun­di­an Romanesque art. It then takes you through the Maranges and Côtes Châlon­nais­es wine­grow­ing areas. Towards the North West, the Canal Latéral à la Loire goes through Bour­bon­nais towards towns of art and his­to­ry such as Decize and Nevers.

Nivernais Morvan

Coulanges-sur-Yonne : your dream des­ti­na­tion at the gate­way to the Mor­van Region­al Nature Park. Take to the waters of the Niver­nais Canal, prob­a­bly the most beau­ti­ful canal in France. It con­nects the Loire basin to that of the Seine, run­ning through pro­tect­ed areas where the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment is of incred­i­ble qual­i­ty. Steeped in his­to­ry and tra­di­tion, this canal, dat­ing back to the late 18th cen­tu­ry, will share with you its his­to­ry as a key wood trans­porta­tion route from Mor­van to the capital.

canal du midi

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