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Cruise on the Canal du Nivernais

From Mailly-le-Château

Les Canalous have set up base at Mailly-le-Château on the banks of the Canal du Nivernais. Our easily accessible base guarantees you an unforgettable trip, far from the stresses of everyday life – a great break from our turbulent times! So treat yourself to a licence-free rental boat and experience this intense journey into the depths of one of the most picturesque terroirs in mainland France….

Where are you leaving from?

When are you leaving?

Licence-free boat rental in Mailly-le-Château for a different kind of tourism

Like at all our water­way bases, we’ll take the nec­es­sary time to intro­duce you to steer­ing your licence-free boat. Before board­ing, enjoy the authen­tic and pic­turesque charm of the small town of Mail­ly-le-Château, the main attrac­tion of which is its Eglise Notre Dame. Set the tone for a water­way cruise with nature, relax­ation and well-being at the fore­front. Take the time to enjoy every lock you go through, and mar­vel at the tun­nels with their amaz­ing vaults. The Canal du Niver­nais remains one of the most tra­di­tion­al of all, ensur­ing that you’ll be able to embrace all the delights of water­way tourism. In Mail­ly-le-Château, like in sev­er­al oth­er towns and vil­lages in the region, a nau­ti­cal base has been devel­oped to allow every­one to enjoy all kinds of water activ­i­ties, so why not take a fam­i­ly swim before set­ting off for your oth­er destinations.

Between Auxerre and the Morvan – a wealth of surprises on this cruise

Trav­el through green, unspoilt nature dur­ing this cruise, with count­less ideas for breaks and stops. Vis­it local mar­kets in vil­lages untouched by mass tourism, enjoy walk­ing or cycling along the tow­paths… it’s up to you to put togeth­er your ide­al water­way cruise, to please all the mem­bers of your crew. You’ll also be able to con­nect with the Yonne, which will take you towards Aux­erre, giv­ing you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lose your­self in the streets of this his­toric town. Anoth­er option when embark­ing on your licence-free boat from Mail­ly-le-Château is to use the Canal du Niver­nais to access the Bur­gundy Canal. Why not take it in the direc­tion of the Mor­van Region­al Nature Park, which alone pro­vides inspi­ra­tion for count­less enchant­i­ng and unfor­get­table days out ?

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Set off from Mailly-le-Château and navigate as your desires see fit, or follow our itinerary ideas:

Aller-retour 54km - 24 locks 10h Mailly-le-Château > Tannay > Mailly-le-Château
Aller-retour 82km - 42 locks 21h Mailly-le-Château > Tannay > Corbigny > Mailly-le-Château
One week
Aller-retour 88km - 44 locks 24h Mailly-le-Château > Clamecy > Châtel Censoir > Vermenton > Mailly-le-Château
Aller-retour 112km - 96 locks 35h Mailly-le-Château > Tannay > Baye > Mailly-le-Château
Aller-simple 72km - 62 locks 26h Mailly-le-Château > Châtillon en Bazois
Two weeks
Aller-retour 150km - 74 locks 38h Mailly-le-Château > Vermenton > Auxerre > Migennes > Mailly-le-Château