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Our waterway cruises Charente

Hire a licence free boat in Charente

Char­ente remains a tra­di­tion­al tourist des­ti­na­tion but could also be the set­ting for a new hol­i­day expe­ri­ence with Les Canalous, get­ting clos­er to the cul­ture and folk­lore of this endear­ing region. So, embark on a licence-free boat right away and embrace both free­dom and pleasure !

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Discover Charente by boat

A Cognac waterway cruise invites you to a voyage of discovery

In the pleas­ant cli­mate of this region of Char­ente, we’ll train you to steer your licence-free rental boat. We invite you to dis­cov­er the charm of a water­way cruise from Cognac, a his­toric town bet­ter known for its cel­lars. Here, you can shake off the stress as you unwind and enjoy a sooth­ing and relax­ing hol­i­day for all mem­bers of your crew.

After vis­it­ing the town of Cognac and tak­ing in its wealth of attrac­tions, you can final­ly board your licence-free boat and nav­i­gate the “most beau­ti­ful riv­er in the King­dom”, if we’re to believe the words of François I. Here, you’ll uncov­er all the trea­sures of water­way tourism. The plea­sure of nav­i­gat­ing at a slow, sooth­ing pace, the pos­si­bil­i­ty of moor­ing wher­ev­er you want for a walk or bike ride… You can make your choice as to whether you head towards the shores of the Atlantic Ocean or inland.

A discovery trip or sporting holiday – waterway tourism for all tastes

When it comes to indulging their pas­sion, fish­ing enthu­si­asts will be spoiled for choice in Char­ente. The rest of the crew will be able to take a cool break, swim­ming in one of the many beach­es on the shores of the region’s lakes. Why not nav­i­gate as far as Angoulême, where you’ll be able to immerse your­self in the mag­i­cal world of comics. His­to­ry buffs might pre­fer to stop off in Saintes to explore the Roman ruins, as well as the impos­ing Goth­ic cathe­dral of Saint Pierre.

Whichev­er route you choose, you’ll enjoy get­ting your whole crew togeth­er to nav­i­gate the locks or chat with oth­er boaters. There’ll also be oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet some great peo­ple dur­ing a water­way cruise, so make the most of them ! Final­ly, between the Loire and the Garonne, the Char­ente will also lead you towards some of the region’s most famous vine­yards. So, leave your house­boat and get lost in the cel­lars of the largest Cognac and Pineau estates.

canal du midi

Must-see places for a successful stay

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