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Welcome to Les Canalous’ Website – The Specialists in French Waterway and Canal Boat Hire

Les Canalous began their adven­ture in the pic­turesque Bur­gundy region in the ear­ly 1980s. For almost four decades, we have been ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing water­way tourism and boat­ing in France more pop­u­lar and mak­ing the enchant­i­ng expe­ri­ence of canal boat cruis­ing acces­si­ble to all. 

Our expan­sion over the years enables us to offer cruis­es in all the French regions, includ­ing the icon­ic Canal du Midi, on the scenic Alsace region, and the unique land­scapes of the Camar­gue, as well as oth­er charm­ing Euro­pean des­ti­na­tions. From the serene Ardennes to the cap­ti­vat­ing water­ways of Scan­di­navia, Les Canalous makes barg­ing and boat­ing easy ! Our diverse fleet of self-dri­ve house­boats is tai­lored to meet every need and pref­er­ence, ensur­ing that your canal boat rental expe­ri­ence is noth­ing short of pleasurable.

Explore our range of license-free boats, from lux­u­ri­ous to bud­get-friend­ly options. Les Canalous also offers com­pre­hen­sive train­ing in dri­ving your rental boat for com­plete peace of mind. Start mak­ing plans for your per­fect French water­way hol­i­day now !

Waterway Cruising : A Unique and Alternative Holiday Experience in France

Expe­ri­ence a nov­el way of hol­i­day­ing with riv­er and canal tourism, a unique way of cre­at­ing unfor­get­table French hol­i­days. Rel­ish the calm of relax­ing on the deck of your boat, and the thrill of manoeu­vring through locks and tun­nels. France’s region­al her­itage makes life on board even bet­ter, offer­ing the chance for spon­ta­neous excur­sions to suit all tastes. Cycle along tow­paths, wan­der through charm­ing vil­lages, and dis­cov­er tra­di­tion­al mar­ket stalls. Pause for a lake­side fish­ing ses­sion or a refresh­ing swim. A canal boat hol­i­day in France, espe­cial­ly along the leg­endary Canal du Midi or the pic­turesque Alsace and Camar­gue regions, promis­es an array of delight­ful activities.

Tailored Offers to Satisfy All Your Boating Desires – and More !

A canal boat hire not only pro­vides an alter­na­tive to main­stream tourism but also a way to explore some of France’s most pres­ti­gious and pic­turesque sites. Our house­boat bases are sit­u­at­ed in prime tourist regions, allow­ing you to choose your des­ti­na­tion based on your indi­vid­ual tastes and interests.

Whether it’s the his­toric charm of the Canal du Midi, the cul­tur­al rich­ness of Alsace, the wild beau­ty of the Camar­gue, the mys­te­ri­ous allure of Brit­tany, or the gas­tro­nom­ic delights of the Lot, each des­ti­na­tion offers a unique experience. 

Dis­cov­er our diverse range of canal and riv­er cruis­es and begin plan­ning your ide­al French self-dri­ve boat­ing adventure.

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