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Our waterway cruises Ardennes

Hire a licence free boat in the Ardennes

Nav­i­gate the waters of the Meuse at the helm of your house­boat, tak­ing you through the wood­ed land­scapes so char­ac­ter­is­tic of this region of the Ardennes.

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Discover the Ardennes by boat

Embrace the gentle pace of life in Ardennes on your waterway cruise

Nav­i­gate the waters of the Meuse at the helm of your house­boat, tak­ing you through the wood­ed land­scapes so char­ac­ter­is­tic of this region of the Ardennes. Enjoy trav­el­ling through the man­u­al locks or take to the Ardennes Canal and nav­i­gate the series of 26 auto­mat­ic locks in the Mont­gon Val­ley. You can take your licence-free boat to the world cap­i­tal of peace, Ver­dun, unwind­ing in the land­scapes of Lor­raine. Head to our Pont à Bar base to take advan­tage of an Ardennes water­way cruise. Here, we’ll guide you in choos­ing your house­boat, but also train you to cap­tain it.

Little-known sites to explore, embracing the rhythm of your licence-free boat

Fol­low the mean­ders of the Meuse and take the time to admire these mag­nif­i­cent land­scapes. At Mon­ther­mé, the mean­ders of the riv­er resem­ble a true work of art. Extend your water­way cruise to Sedan, where you’ll dis­cov­er all the secrets of the largest cas­tle in Europe. You’ll be cap­ti­vat­ed by Mont Olympe in Charleville Méz­ières, where you can real­ly get away from it all, unless you pre­fer a more poet­ic excur­sion with a vis­it to the Arthur Rim­baud muse­um.

Don’t miss out on the plea­sure of a cycle ride dur­ing your cruise, pro­vid­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty to ring the changes and make your water­way cruise even more attrac­tive for every mem­ber of your crew. Take to the tow­paths, or the spe­cial­ly adapt­ed trails through the famous Ardennes for­est, and you’ll be able to fur­ther immerse your­selves in the region’s tra­di­tions, as well as allow­ing those who wish to indulge in anoth­er pas­sion : fish­ing.

You can also dis­cov­er cruis­ing in Alsace from the Lan­guim­berg and Wal­tenheim-sur-Zorn bases.

canal du midi

Must-see places for a successful stay

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