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Our waterway cruises Lot en Quercy

Hire a licence free boat in Lot-en-Quercy

Renowned for its gas­tro­nom­ic spe­cial­ties and the beau­ty of its nat­ur­al sites, the Lot region is also home to innu­mer­able jew­els of human genius. We pro­pose to intro­duce you to water­way tourism in this mag­i­cal set­ting. Your cruise will be all the more suc­cess­ful for it !

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Discover Lot-en-Quercy by boat

The Lot – an enchanting setting for an introduction to waterway tourism

Choose to nav­i­gate the waters of the Lot and you’ll be offer­ing your­self the oppor­tu­ni­ty to put togeth­er a bespoke cruise tai­lored to your pref­er­ences. Would you like to leave from the his­toric town of Cahors, the region’s wine­grow­ing hub, and dream up a gas­tro­nom­ic cruise ? Or would you pre­fer the charm of the town of Luzech, a ver­i­ta­ble penin­su­la sand­wiched between the mean­ders of the Lot ? Whichev­er route you choose, we’ll train you in han­dling your rental boat to ensure you can nav­i­gate with confidence.

What­ev­er your itin­er­ary, you’ll enjoy the plea­sures of water­way cruis­ing, mak­ing the most of the calm, idyl­lic set­ting. Wher­ev­er your cho­sen des­ti­na­tion, the Lot remains one of the most beau­ti­ful rivers in France, with mul­ti­ple ideas for stop-offs. Enjoy breath-tak­ing views, set off for a cycle ride or opt, instead, to take a dip in one of the region’s lakes. It’s high time, then, to embark on your cho­sen house­boat and set off to embrace relax­ation and discovery !

From one discovery to another – all the promises of a waterway cruise on the Lot

Turn this water­way cruise into a real gas­tro­nom­ic jour­ney. The region’s culi­nary spe­cial­ties, from duck con­fit to tra­di­tion­al foie gras, are unveiled in the local mar­kets. Moor up and leave your licence-free boat to bring back the region’s gas­tro­nom­ic trea­sures to enjoy on board. The vine­yards of Cahors are rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the land­scapes that will accom­pa­ny you dur­ing your water­way cruise.

You can also enjoy strolling the streets of Cahors. From the amphithe­atre to Saint Eti­enne cathe­dral, the town’s build­ings tell you an excit­ing and event­ful sto­ry. Nav­i­gate between the cliffs to enjoy an excep­tion­al spec­ta­cle and moor up on the approach to one of the most beau­ti­ful vil­lages in France, Saint Cirq Lapopie.

Don’t miss the bastide of Castel­franc near Cahors and, if your cruise takes you close to Luzech, a walk to the foot of the ele­gant Saint Pierre church is a must.

canal du midi

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