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Our waterway cruises Anjou — Pays de Loire

Hire a licence free boat on the Mayenne

In the warm cli­mate of this for­mer Province of Anjou, Les Canalous will encour­age you to select your house­boat and train you to cap­tain it. You’ll then be able to embrace the free­dom offered by a dense net­work of water­ways, allow­ing you to dis­cov­er all the region’s treasures.

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Discover the Mayenne by boat

Pays de la Loire, Anjou and Mayenne : the ideal setting for a successful waterway cruise

Cli­mate and geo­graph­i­cal set­ting are two essen­tial cri­te­ria when select­ing your des­ti­na­tion to embrace the charms of water­way tourism. Why not opt for the mild cli­mate of Anjou and the near­by Atlantic Ocean shore in Pays de la Loire, to expe­ri­ence a water­way cruise with your fam­i­ly or friends ? No less than 300 kilo­me­tres of water­ways await, allow­ing you to choose the itin­er­ary for your house­boat hol­i­day. Nav­i­gate the waters of the Mayenne, Sarthe or Oudon for a guar­an­teed immer­sion in the well-pre­served hilly land­scapes that have secured the rep­u­ta­tion of what was once the province of Anjou.

Embark on a waterway journey through a series of different terroirs

Will you also take advan­tage of your cruise to unveil the secrets of an event­ful and excit­ing his­to­ry ? Trav­el through the town of Laval and, from the deck of your licence-free rental boat, you’ll be able to admire its château, which dom­i­nates the entire riv­er val­ley. Between Laval and Mayenne, you’ll dis­cov­er the wilder aspect of this epony­mous riv­er, tak­ing to the tow­paths to immerse your­self in the region’s tra­di­tions. Launch your house­boat on the waters of the Mayenne and head south to take in a series of pic­turesque tra­di­tion­al vil­lages that will enchant every mem­ber of your crew.

Whichev­er route you choose, you’ll be able to go wher­ev­er your desires lead. From Angers, the medieval town par excel­lence, to the abbey of Solesmes, you won’t be short of ideas for great stop­ping points for a water­way cruise that will quick­ly become unforgettable.

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canal du midi

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