7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

The Mayenne in a licence-free boat

From Chenillé Changé

If you’ve decided to start your waterway cruise from our base at Chenillé Changé, your holiday will begin well before your board your houseboat. Take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy visiting this picturesque city and get lost in its streets, before training with us on how to handle your houseboat.

Where are you leaving from?

When are you leaving?

The pleasure begins at Chenillé Changé, even before you embark on your waterway cruise

If you’ve opt­ed for a water­way cruise to immerse your­self in the trea­sures of this region of rur­al France, you should plan to vis­it the town of Che­nil­lé Changé before embark­ing on your licence-free rental boat. You’ll be able to admire the water mill, which is still in oper­a­tion and will plunge you straight into the mag­i­cal water­way her­itage you’re about to explore dur­ing your cruise. The remains of the Château des Rues are anoth­er enchant­i­ng attrac­tion to behold, along with the Romanesque church of Saint Pierre, which dates back to the 11th cen­tu­ry and is well worth a vis­it in itself. It will then be time to head to our water­way base, from which you can embark on a mul­ti-faceted cruise. Whichev­er route you choose, you’ll have easy access to the region’s nature and her­itage, with many marked trails for you all to fol­low, whether on ATB bikes or on foot.

Navigate a soothing path where discoveries abound

Che­nil­lé Changé is the gate­way to a ver­i­ta­ble con­cen­tra­tion of all the attrac­tions of water­way tourism. There are 300 kilo­me­tres of water­ways to choose from. You may pre­fer the waters of the Mayenne or the wilder course of the Oudon, unless the sooth­ing and ele­gant Sarthe gets the upper hand. Going through the many locks makes for unfor­get­table cruis­ing mem­o­ries : here, every lock is unique and pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share expe­ri­ences and dis­cov­er some­thing new. So, let your­self go ! Vis­it the local mar­kets along the way to pur­chase region­al spe­cial­i­ties to enjoy aboard your house­boat or stop off for a swim­ming break at one of the nau­ti­cal bases en route. You may also like to join the pop­u­lar tourist trail from time to time and vis­it the region’s must-see attrac­tions, whether in Laval or Angers, unless you pre­fer to keep your dis­tance and make the most of the unique coun­try­side envi­ron­ment off the beat­en track.

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Set off from Chenillé-Changé and navigate as your desires see fit, or follow our itinerary ideas:

Aller-retour 70km - 14 locks 12h Chenillé Changé > Le Lion d'Angers > Segré > Chenillé Changé
Aller-retour 80km - 24 locks 13h Chenillé Changé > Entrammes > Chenillé Changé
Aller-retour 150km - 38 locks 22h Chenillé Changé > Entrammes > Le Lion d'Angers > Segré > Chenillé Changé
Aller-retour 150km - 22 locks 17h Chenillé Changé > Le Lion d'Angers > Segré > Le Lion d'Angers > Chenillé Changé > Château Gontier > Chenillé Changé
Aller-retour 91km - 16 locks 16h Chenillé Changé > Le Lion d'Angers > Montreuil Juigné > Angers > Cantenay Epinard (by Ecouflant, so round the Island St Aubin by ‘la vieille Maine’) > Le Lion d'Angers > Chenillé Changé
One week
Aller-retour 198km - 30 locks 34h Chenillé Changé > Angers > Solesmes > Chenillé Changé
Aller-retour 170km - 48 locks 31h Chenillé Changé > Laval > Angers > Le Lion d'Angers > Segré > Chenillé Changé
Aller-simple 168km - 28 locks 28h Chenillé Changé > La Suze sur Sarthe
Two weeks
Aller-retour 402km - 112 locks 68h Chenillé Changé > Mayenne > Ecouflant > Malicorne > Chenillé Changé
Aller-simple 274km - 62 locks 49h Chenillé Changé > Laval > Angers > La Suze sur Sarthe
Three weeks or more
Aller-retour 504km - 130 locks 97h Chenillé Changé > Mayenne > Angers > La Suze sur Sarthe > Chenillé Changé