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Our waterway cruises Brittany

Hire a licence free boat inBrittany

Nature and cul­ture, a fam­i­ly break or roman­tic water­way cruise for two… Les Canalous invite you to embrace a new form of tourism. Embark on one of our licence-free boats and let your­self be guid­ed by your momen­tary desires as you enjoy total free­dom to travel.

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Discover Brittany by boat

Sporty or cultural – which Brittany waterway cruise will you choose ?

Once we’ve trained you to cap­tain your rental boat at our Redon base, you’ll have com­plete free­dom to choose your own itin­er­ary. You’ll then be able to set off on the waters of the Vilaine, a typ­i­cal­ly Bre­ton riv­er, or opt for the sooth­ing waters of the Nantes to Brest Canal.

Whichev­er route you choose, you’ll be able to embrace all the plea­sures of water­way cruis­ing in Brit­tany. The slow pace of your house­boat, the enjoy­ment of chat­ting with the fish­er­men or boaters you meet, the delight of going through the locks.… Every moment is unique, so savour it to the full.

Cycling will also fea­ture on your agen­da, with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to organ­ise excur­sions by bike as you see fit, whether through the Bre­ton bocage or fol­low­ing your boat along the towpaths.

Brittany, a land of legend to explore aboard your houseboat

Here in Brit­tany, there are a host of oth­er attrac­tions to dis­cov­er, even more so than in oth­er parts. You’ll enjoy the pleas­ant cli­mate and the chance to make sev­er­al stops to dis­cov­er Bre­ton vil­lages, along with the region’s gas­tro­nom­ic spe­cial­i­ties. It’s up to you to decide if you want to savour the famous Bre­ton galettes or far bre­ton on the deck of your house­boat or around a table in one of the many restau­rants in the region.

Your cruise will also pro­vide you with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bet­ter under­stand the tur­bu­lent his­to­ry of this province. Even before your depar­ture, the abbey church of Saint Sauveur de Redon will set the tone. It’ll then be up to you to fol­low your desires by head­ing towards Nantes or Rennes. If you opt for the lat­ter, a sure-fire rec­om­men­da­tion for an orig­i­nal vis­it would be to get lost in the aisles of the city’s eco­mu­se­um.

canal du midi

Must-see places for a successful stay

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