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A houseboat holiday in Lorraine

From Languimberg - Port du Houillon

Come and visit this region of North-Eastern France and surprise yourself with the wealth of attractions on offer in historic Lorraine. Head for Languimberg, where we’ll get you ready for a waterway cruise that you can organise as you wish, making it a real pleasure for your whole crew.

Where are you leaving from?

When are you leaving?

Lorraine, a land steeped in history to explore by boat

Head to the port of Houil­lon in Lan­guim­berg to sam­ple the joys of water­way tourism. Enjoy expe­ri­enc­ing all the trea­sures of the water­way her­itage, as well as indulging in more intense activ­i­ties with off-road cycling or a refresh­ing swim. Fish­ing, walking…the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less, since you can moor your house­boat and stop off when­ev­er you like or, on the con­trary, opt to press on at a relaxed pace from lock to lock. Among the must-see attrac­tions of this unusu­al and often lit­tle-known region are Cha­gal­l’s stained-glass win­dow in Corde­liers chapel, Sar­rebourg, and Château de Féné­trange with its impos­ing gar­den. Get organ­ised and start your water­way hol­i­day with a fam­i­ly trip to the amaz­ing Sainte Croix ani­mal park, where you can treat your­self to anoth­er unfor­get­table and unusu­al expe­ri­ence : sleep­ing with wolves.

A waterway trip from Languimberg to Nancy : another facet of Lorraine

If you’re hol­i­day­ing for more than a week, treat your­self to a water­way cruise from Lan­guim­berg and head for the ducal city of Nan­cy. This for­mer cap­i­tal of Lor­raine will be an enchant­i­ng stop­ping point – a cul­tur­al high­light for fans of his­toric build­ings with the Lor­raine Muse­um and Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, as well as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to leave your house­boat for a stroll around one of the most beau­ti­ful squares in the world, list­ed as a UNESCO World Her­itage Site : Place Stanis­las. You can then embark again to cross this his­toric region of Lor­raine and nav­i­gate between the orchards, unveil­ing one of its oth­er trea­sures : the Mirabelle plum. Enjoy sam­pling some of the many recipes that draw upon this yel­low gold of Lor­raine in all its forms, from the famous jams to the must-try Mirabelle tarts. Every for­ay into a Lor­raine vil­lage dur­ing your water­way cruise will give you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring back some of the region’s oth­er culi­nary spe­cial­i­ties (pâté lor­rain, quiche lor­raine, potée lor­raine, etc.) to enjoy on board. Your cruise will soon become a real culi­nary journey.

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Set off from Languimberg and navigate as your desires see fit, or follow our itinerary ideas:

Aller-retour 59km - 2 locks 10h Port du Houillon > Arzviller > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 42km - 14 locks 10h Port du Houillon > Lagarde > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 36km - 26 locks 11h Port du Houillon > Mittersheim > Port du Houillon
Aller-simple 66km - 26 locks 16h Port du Houillon > Waltenheim sur Zorn
Aller-retour 86km - 28 locks 20h Port du Houillon > Saverne > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 104km - 34 locks 22h Port du Houillon > Dombasle sur Meurthe et Moselle > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 120km - 34 locks 22h Port du Houillon > Saint Phlin > Port du Houillon
One week
Aller-retour 166km - 68 locks 39h Port du Houillon > Sarreguemines > Lagarde > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 153km - 46 locks 32h Port du Houillon > Pompey > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 120km - 48 locks 29h Port du Houillon > Hochfelden > Port du Houillon
Two weeks
Aller-retour 254km - 74 locks 52h Port du Houillon > Lagarde > Nancy > Toul > Neuves Maisons > Arzviller > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 256km - 96 locks 56h Port du Houillon > Sarreguemines > Lagarde > Nancy > Port du Houillon
Aller-retour 228km - 88 locks 53h Port du Houillon > Boofzheim > Port du Houillon