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Licence-free boat cruise in Alsace

From Waltenheim sur Zorn

You can follow the no less famous Alsatian wine route aboard your houseboat or go exploring the landscapes of the Vosges mountains. What with the region’s gastronomic delights and the Alsatian sense of hospitality, you can gear yourself up for an unforgettable holiday if you opt for a waterway cruise in Alsace.

Where are you leaving from?

When are you leaving?

Navigate canals steeped in history between Alsace and Lorraine

Pick up your cho­sen house­boat in the pic­turesque town of Wal­tenheim sur Zorn for an unusu­al and orig­i­nal hol­i­day. Set off in your desired direc­tion, between the plains of Alsace and the Vos­ges mas­sif, as you take to the Marne-Rhine or Rhone-Rhine Canal aboard your licence-free boat. This is a land of exchange and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, a region steeped in trea­sures, so pre­pare to explore every cor­ner of this liv­ing her­itage aboard your house­boat. Take the time to moor up along the way and wan­der the vil­lage mar­kets or eat at one of the many Win­stubs – tra­di­tion­al Alsa­t­ian restau­rants. The region’s gas­tron­o­my will be an impor­tant part of your Alsa­t­ian water­way cruise. Tarte flam­bée and sauer­kraut, pies with blue­ber­ries or mirabelle plums, Lor­raine pâté… life aboard your licence-free boat will be a real for­ay into Alsa­t­ian gastronomy.

Unexpected pleasures to experience during your waterway cruise in Alsace

Treat your­self to a weekend’s immer­sion in a land dot­ted with half-tim­bered build­ings and admire Hansel and Gretel’s house, locat­ed just a few metres away from Les Canalous’ base in Wal­tenheim sur Zorn. If you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty, extend your enjoy­ment by going through a few more locks to explore the region­al cap­i­tal, Stras­bourg, or expe­ri­ence the unique inclined plane of Saint-Louis-Arzviller. Trav­el­ling through the locks will be great fun for all mem­bers of your crew and vis­it­ing this ver­i­ta­ble ele­va­tor for boats will be one of the unfor­get­table moments of your cruise. Strasbourg’s his­tor­i­cal her­itage will be a source of aston­ish­ment and won­der for you all. In between, there’ll be ample ideas for off-road cycling trips, as well as breaks to take advan­tage of the region’s numer­ous lakes and rivers. Treat your­self to a swim or laze by the beach in the Alsa­t­ian sun. This is all part of the mag­ic of a water­way cruise in Alsace – a chance to sim­ply get away from it all !

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Set off from Waltenheim-sur-Zorn and navigate as your desires see fit, or follow our itinerary ideas:

Aller-retour 48km - 15 locks 10h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Strasbourg > Waltenheim sur Zorn
Aller-retour 44km - 12 locks 12h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Saverne > Waltenheim sur Zorn
Aller-simple 66km - 26 locks 16h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Languimberg
Aller-retour 94km - 51 locks 28h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Saverne > Lutzelbourg > Arzviller > Niderviller > Waltenheim sur Zorn
One week
Aller-retour 107km - 59 locks 25h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Strasbourg > Waltenheim sur Zorn > Saverne > Waltenheim sur Zorn
Two weeks
Aller-retour 256km - 105 locks 60h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Saverne > Arzviller > Sarreguemines > Waltenheim sur Zorn
Aller-retour 256km - 95 locks 56h Waltenheim sur Zorn > Saverne > Arzviller > Dombasle > Nancy > Waltenheim sur Zorn