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The Canal du Nivernais by barge

From Châtillon en Bazois

Allow us to set you on your way from our base in Châtillon en Bazois and you’ll be sure to enjoy a superb concentration of all the attractions of waterway tourism. Take to one of the most beautiful canals in France, the Canal du Nivernais, aboard your rental houseboat, and immerse yourself in this endearing region, as you uncover its glorious history. Prepare your crew and get ready to set off on the wild, authentic Nivernais…

Where are you leaving from?

When are you leaving?

Châtillon en Bazois, a choice destination for a waterway cruise or family holiday

Before tak­ing pos­ses­sion of your licence-free rental boat, cho­sen in line with your pref­er­ences, take your whole crew on an adven­ture as you lose your­selves in the pic­turesque streets of Châtil­lon en Bazois. You’ll be amazed by the neo-roman style of Eglise Saint Jean Bap­tiste, and even more so by the town’s impos­ing cas­tle, built from the 10th cen­tu­ry on a rocky peak. Vis­it this ves­tige of a bygone era and dis­cov­er the remark­able Gar­dens arranged around this must-see build­ing. It will then be time to embark on your water­way cruise along the calm, tran­quil waters of the Canal du Niver­nais. Act­ing as a junc­tion between the Seine and Loire basins, the water­way you’ll nav­i­gate aboard your licence-free boat will take you through the his­to­ry of this pic­turesque region.

The Canal du Nivernais between Paris and the Morvan — a regal view for an enchanting trip

As you head North on the water­ways, your days of dis­cov­ery and relax­ation will be punc­tu­at­ed by many pic­turesque locks (sure to be one of the high­lights of your cruise). Set off for Chatil­lon-en-Bazois, where Les Canalous have devel­oped anoth­er water­way base. Head­ing South, the tra­di­tion­al town of Decize awaits you at the end of your water­way cruise. It’s in Decize that the Canal du Niver­nais joins the Canal Latéral à la Loire. Stop off to explore the nar­row streets of this his­toric town and vis­it the amaz­ing Eglise Saint Are or the majes­tic Château, for­mer res­i­dence of the Dukes of Nev­ers.

Through­out your cruise, you’ll trav­el along water­ways that were used for cen­turies to trans­port wood from the Mor­van to the cap­i­tal. It’s your turn to nav­i­gate this his­toric canal and enjoy every moment.

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Set off from Châtillon en Bazois and navigate as your desires see fit, or follow our itinerary ideas:

Aller-retour 32km - 16 locks 9h Châtillon en Bazois > Baye > Châtillon en Bazois
Aller-retour 54km - 76 locks 21h Châtillon en Bazois > Corbigny > Châtillon en Bazois
Aller-retour 106km - 44 locks 21h Châtillon en Bazois > Decize > Châtillon en Bazois
One week
Aller-retour 126km - 116 locks 36h Châtillon en Bazois > Clamecy > Châtillon en Bazois
Aller-retour 176km - 60 locks 35h Châtillon en Bazois > Nevers > Châtillon en Bazois
Aller-simple 117km - 38 locks 27h Châtillon en Bazois > Digoin
Aller-simple 90km - 71 locks 31h Châtillon en Bazois > Mailly-le-Château
Three weeks
Aller-retour 246km - 178 locks 80h Châtillon en Bazois > Auxerre > Châtillon en Bazois