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Rules for the ‘My best cruise photos’ competition

Arti­cle 1 : Com­pe­ti­tion rules

Canalous Plai­sance, a com­pa­ny with cap­i­tal of €343,680, whose reg­is­tered office is at 78 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 71160 DIGOIN and which is reg­is­tered in the Mâcon Trade and Com­pa­nies Reg­is­ter under no. 392 608 238, is organ­is­ing a free com­pe­ti­tion enti­tled “My most beau­ti­ful cruise pho­tos”. This com­pe­ti­tion will take place dur­ing the 2024 season.

Arti­cle 2 : Announce­ment of the competition

The com­pe­ti­tion is free. It will be announced by e‑mail to Canalous cus­tomers and also on the Canalous Face­book page and websites.

Arti­cle 3 : How to enter the competition

This com­pe­ti­tion is open to all per­sons of legal age, resid­ing in France or abroad, with the excep­tion of Canalous Plai­sance staff and their fam­i­lies (same name, same address). To take part, all you have to do is take part in a riv­er or canal cruise in 2024 and send in your pho­tos on the 3 themes : Land­scape and you, The boat, unusu­al pictures.

Arti­cle 4 : Prizes*

- 1 one-week cruise aboard a Tar­pon 32 in March-April 2025 or Octo­ber-Novem­ber 2025.

- 1 mini-week cruise aboard a Tar­pon 32 in March-April 2025 or Octo­ber-Novem­ber 2025.

- 1 two-night stay aboard a Toue cabanée (in Auvergne or Cor­rèze) in March-April 2025 or Octo­ber-Novem­ber 2025.

The win­ners will be able to book the boat mod­els or accom­mo­da­tion in ques­tion dur­ing the peri­ods men­tioned. Sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty at the time of booking.

*Lim­it­ed to 1 prize per participant
The hourly nav­i­ga­tion fee (fuel) is not includ­ed. On return from the cruise, the win­ner will have to pay for the fuel invoiced on a flat-rate basis, depend­ing on the type of boat (rate can vary with the price of fuel). Insur­ance is not included.

Arti­cle 5 : Inform­ing the winners

The win­ners will be noti­fied per­son­al­ly either by e‑mail or by tele­phone from 19 March 2025.

Arti­cle 6 : Rules

Tak­ing part in this com­pe­ti­tion implies unre­served accep­tance of the full rules, which the par­tic­i­pant declares to have read. These rules are avail­able on request from Canalous Plai­sance 78 avenue du Général de Gaulle 71160 DIGOIN. Any attempt to cheat detect­ed (false shares, etc.) will result in the imme­di­ate reset­ting of votes for the pho­to concerned.

In the event of any trick­ery being dis­cov­ered at the time of check­ing for the final draw, the par­tic­i­pant will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be disqualified.

Com­pe­ti­tion jury : an inter­nal jury will meet at the end of the vot­ing peri­od to review the votes and select the best pho­to for each theme.

Arti­cle 7 : Changes to the terms and con­di­tions of the competition

In the event of force majeure, the organ­is­ing com­pa­ny reserves the right to mod­i­fy, tem­porar­i­ly inter­rupt or can­cel the com­pe­ti­tion at any time with­out incur­ring any lia­bil­i­ty and with­out being enti­tled to claim any com­pen­sa­tion as a result.

Arti­cle 8 : Dis­putes

Par­tic­i­pants are deemed to accept all the terms of these rules. This game is sub­ject to French law. Any dis­putes to which it may give rise, in par­tic­u­lar con­cern­ing its valid­i­ty, inter­pre­ta­tion or per­for­mance, shall be sub­mit­ted to the exclu­sive juris­dic­tion of the courts of the Mâcon Tri­bunal de Grande Instance.

Arti­cle 9 : Data Pro­tec­tion Act

In appli­ca­tion of the French Data Pro­tec­tion Act of 6 Jan­u­ary 1978, the per­son­al data record­ed on the dig­i­tal file, in accor­dance with arti­cle 3, is essen­tial for the pro­cess­ing and man­age­ment of this com­pe­ti­tion. The par­tic­i­pant express­ly autho­ris­es the organ­is­ing com­pa­ny to process this infor­ma­tion in com­put­erised memory.

In accor­dance with the same law, each par­tic­i­pant has the right to access and rec­ti­fy or even delete infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing them, which they may exer­cise by writ­ing to Canalous Plai­sance 78 avenue du Général de Gaulle 71160 DIGOIN or by e‑mail to concours@​f2p.​net.

Arti­cle 10 : Trans­fer of rights

Par­tic­i­pants in the com­pe­ti­tion agree to trans­fer their pho­tos to Les Canalous so that they can be used for the com­pe­ti­tion and for their own communications.