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Our waterway cruises Holland

The Netherlands – a great country for waterway tourism to explore right away

This is one of the coun­tries with the great­est num­ber of water­ways, so head straight to our nau­ti­cal base in Woubrugge for an ini­ti­a­tion into water­way cruis­ing or a chance to relive the plea­sures you’ve already expe­ri­enced. Sev­er­al canals run through this town and, after being trained to cap­tain your licence-free rental boat, you’ll imme­di­ate­ly be able to head in the direc­tion of your choice for a cruise that could last a few days or weeks, depend­ing on your preferences.

While the Nether­lands is a great place for water­way tourism, it’s also a cycling coun­try par excel­lence. This flat land will pro­vide ATB bike fans with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fol­low your licence-free boat by tak­ing to the tow­paths or spe­cial­ly adapt­ed trails.

A gastronomic and cultural cruise to delight the whole family

This roman­tic cruise will allow you to cross Holland’s immense flower fields, as well as dis­cov­er the flower mar­kets that bloom through­out the coun­try. Don’t miss out on a vis­it to the cap­i­tal, Ams­ter­dam, where the net­work of con­cen­tric canals will focus your atten­tion. There are over 100 kilo­me­tres of canals wind­ing their way through the city, pro­vid­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to admire 1,700 bridges.

In the restau­rants of the towns you trav­el through, as well as in the cab­in or on the deck of your house­boat, your water­way cruise will also be a chance to dis­cov­er the coun­try’s gas­tro­nom­ic spe­cial­i­ties, start­ing with its count­less cheeses.

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