7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74
7/7    +33 3 85 53 76 74

Etang de Thau

Etang de Thau is Languedoc’s largest lagoon (19 km long and 5 km wide). This nat­ur­al resource has giv­en rise to a series of arti­sanal activ­i­ties : mus­sel and oys­ter aqua­cul­ture. These are facil­i­tat­ed by the diver­si­ty and abun­dance of phy­to­plank­ton fed on by these mol­luscs. This abun­dance is due to the mod­er­ate­ly deep, warm and slow-mov­ing waters.

Thau is a ver­i­ta­ble inland micro-sea with excep­tion­al bio­log­i­cal diversity !