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Our waterway cruises Germany


With its land­scapes of lakes, rivers, forests and vil­lages, Ger­many is full of charm­ing and relax­ing places. In Wesen­berg, you’ll be able to enjoy the beau­ty of Lake Woblitz, div­ing into the aston­ish­ing­ly pure water. Through­out your water­way hol­i­day, you can choose your favourite lakes and take in remark­able sun­sets aboard your licence-free boat. The many forests you trav­el through will pro­vide you with hik­ing and cycling trails and you’ll sure­ly come across some ani­mals, such as sea eagles. If you pre­fer water sports, div­ing, kayak­ing and pad­dle board­ing will give you a chance to dis­cov­er the many fish, teals and cranes in these parts. A lit­tle fur­ther on, near the cap­i­tal, you’ll be able to access the lake and park at Wannsee, fill­ing up on fresh air as you stroll along the beach.


Don’t miss the impos­ing Rheins­berg Cas­tle, with its gar­den adjoin­ing the lake — there’s no need to leave your house­boat to enjoy it ! Every­one knows the extent to which Ger­many was marked by the war, and a guid­ed tour of Sach­sen­hausen con­cen­tra­tion camp in Oranien­burg will immerse you in the his­to­ry of these sin­is­ter places of tor­ture, leav­ing a last­ing impres­sion. In Berlin, medieval quar­ters, his­toric sites, muse­ums, the­atres, Goth­ic cathe­drals and Baroque church­es com­pete for your atten­tion with mod­ern build­ings, the young city cen­tre, street art and live­ly bars. Germany’s most dynam­ic city is also a place to expe­ri­ence mem­o­rable fes­ti­vals at its live­ly ports. If you love shop­ping, head to Kur­fürs­ten­damm avenue in the chic neigh­bour­hood of Char­lot­ten­burg. A trip to Berlin won’t be com­plete with­out a vis­it to the roof ter­race and dome of the Reich­stag Palace. The splen­did Ital­ian Renais­sance-inspired Belvedere Pfin­gst­berg in Pots­dam, south-west of Berlin, is just one of the many state­ly build­ings in the region.

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