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cruise without a licence


Take a river cruise on the Saale in Germany from the town of Bernburg. A river town, Bernburg has a rich history dating back to the Neolithic period, thanks to its prime location on a waterway and rich fertile land.

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Hire a river boat to discover German history

Dis­cov­er Bern­burg and the sur­round­ing area on a house­boat with­out a licence on the Riv­er Saale. This is the best way to enjoy this beau­ti­ful but lit­tle-known region. Bern­burg is an archi­tec­tur­al high­light of the Dukes of Anhalt, with the impres­sive renais­sance cas­tle over­look­ing the riv­er Saale on one side and the charm­ing old town on the other.
But the cas­tle is not the only tourist attrac­tion in the Bern­burg region. The town offers many his­tor­i­cal mon­u­ments, such as church­es in Goth­ic style, the town hall in neo-Renais­sance style, and the the­atre in neo-clas­si­cal style. As you can see, the region is full of lit­tle-known nuggets that are well worth a vis­it for a relax­ing barge hol­i­day away from mass tourism.

Take the time to marvel at the sights with a boat rental without a licence

The riv­er Saale is nav­i­ga­ble with­out a licence for more than 100 km, between the riv­er towns of Calbe in the north and Merse­burg in the south. In one week’s sail­ing time you can reach the town of Merse­burg, where you can enjoy a stroll through the cas­tle gar­dens. A route with few locks for a pleas­ant riv­er cruise at the pace of nature.
The Sax­ony-Anhalt region is con­sid­ered to be one of the cen­tres of Ger­man his­to­ry. The region has no less than 5 UNESCO World Her­itage Sites, and one of the region’s most famous fig­ures is Luther, the father of Protes­tantism. Your hol­i­day on a house­boat with­out a licence in Ger­many will allow you to fol­low in his footsteps.
Nature offers unique land­scapes dur­ing your house­boat hol­i­day with­out a licence. The region has kept all its bio­di­ver­si­ty and nat­ur­al land­scapes for a relax­ing and reju­ve­nat­ing riv­er cruise

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Sail as you wish from Bernburg or follow our route ideas

One week
Aller-retour 160km - 18 locks 31h Bernburg - Halle - Merseburg - Halle - Bernburg
Aller-retour 112km - 10 locks 20h Bernburg -Wellin - Halle - Wellin - Bernburg
Aller-retour 40km - 2 locks 6h Bernburg - Georgsburg -Bernburg
Aller-retour 36km - 4 locks 6h Bernburg - Galbe - Bernburg