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<span class="caps">PDF</span> Brochure 2024

Trav­el by boat with­out a licence

Look­ing for a unique adven­ture ? Try riv­er tourism ! Rent licence-free boats for 2 to 12 peo­ple on canals and rivers in France and Europe. Choose from 6 lev­els of com­fort and price. Per­fect for week­ends or longer stays.


Our New Brochure



You do not have a boat dri­ving licence and are wor­ried about dri­ving a boat ? Rest assured !

The han­dling is quite sim­ple and our staff on the bases will take the time to show you how the dif­fer­ent equip­ment works and intro­duce you to the maneu­vers and docking.

The boat works with 2 com­mands : a throt­tle lever with 2 posi­tions (front and rear) and a wheel to steer : you see, it is simple !

You usu­al­ly nav­i­gate down the cen­tre of the water­way, how­ev­er when you come across anoth­er boat, you have to move to the right and cruise slow­ly along close to the shoreline.

When you come to a canal bridge or a nar­row nav­i­ga­tion area pri­or­i­ty goes to the larg­er boat, and com­mer­cial barges always have priority.

Be vig­i­lant and don’t for­get to look behind you in case anoth­er boat is trav­el­ling faster than you and wish­es to pass.

Dogs and oth­er pets are wel­come aboard house­boats. Make sure you bring all the nec­es­sary equip­ment for your pet, as you won’t find any­thing pro­vid­ed on board.

Don’t for­get to look after your pet’s safe­ty too, espe­cial­ly when pass­ing through locks. A sup­ple­ment of 50€ will be charged for sail­ing with your pet.