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cruise without a licence


Renting a houseboat without a license and sailing in the heart of the Norwegian fjords is a dream accessible to all. Starting from Porsgrunn in the Telemark region, you will enjoy the gentle Norwegian landscape in the summertime.

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River cruise in Southern Norway on the Telemark Canal

Dis­cov­er an authen­tic and nat­ur­al Nor­way in a total­ly unusu­al way with a boat rental with­out a license on the Tele­mark Canal. This canal con­nects Skien to the Dalen fjords, and is 105 km long. Enjoy a qui­et riv­er cruise at a gen­tle pace to dis­cov­er the most beau­ti­ful land­scapes of the land of the mid­night sun.

Nor­we­gians are very attached to the Tele­mark Canal, which they con­sid­er the 8th won­der of the world. The canal was once used to trans­port goods to the most remote areas. Today, it is very pop­u­lar with boaters for the mag­nif­i­cent land­scapes it cross­es, on a route with few locks : only 8 on the whole canal.

The grandiose land­scapes of this vast coun­try are a real invi­ta­tion to hike or bike. Dur­ing your barge vaca­tions, you will find well-equipped riv­er stops and you will cer­tain­ly be won over by the warm wel­come gen­er­al­ly reserved by the inhabitants.

Discover Norway and its fjords with a boat rental without a license

Both wild and domes­ti­cat­ed, the beau­ty of Nor­way’s nature will enchant those who love wide open spaces and eco-friend­ly tourism. In only a few kilo­me­ters, the changes of scenery can be bru­tal : From forests to mead­ows as far as the eye can see, or from high steep moun­tains to the famous fjords of North­ern Europe. Riv­er cruis­ing in a house­boat with­out a license will allow you to dis­cov­er this great vari­ety from an excep­tion­al point of view from the waterway.

The barge itin­er­aries from Pors­grunn will allow you to dis­cov­er this mul­ti­tude of land­scapes, while liv­ing in immer­sion in the Nor­we­gian culture.

The coun­try of the Fjords is also known for its intense cul­tur­al life, mix­ing tra­di­tions, moder­ni­ty and diver­si­ty in sec­tors as var­ied as music and painting.

The lit­tle extra for your river­boat vaca­tion in Nor­way ? Meet the fish­er­men and buy fish direct­ly from the har­bor for qual­i­ty and fresh local products.

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Renting a houseboat without a license and sailing in the heart of the Norwegian fjords is a dream accessible to all. Starting from Porsgrunn in the Telemark region, you will enjoy the gentle Norwegian landscape in the summertime.

Aller-retour 200km - 8 locks 0h Porsgrunn - Lunde - Porsgrunn - Langesund - Kragerø - Porsgrunn
Aller-retour 105km - 8 locks 0h Porsgrunn - Skien - Dalen - Porsgrunn
Aller-retour 78km - 2 locks 0h Porsgrunn - Notoden - Porsgrunn
Aller-retour 9km - 0 locks 0h Porsgrunn - Skien - Porsgrunn
Aller-simple 55km - 0 locks 0h Porsgrunn - Langesund - Kragerø