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Barge rental in the United Kingdom

From Stone

Stone is ideally located in the English countryside, at the centre of the wealth of attractions on offer in this region of England. Put together the itinerary for your next waterway cruise and satisfy everyone's preferences. You can enjoy a romantic cruise if you’ve decided to travel as a couple, or opt for a more sporty trip if you go with family or friends.

Where are you leaving from?

When are you leaving?

When waterway tourism gives you the opportunity to discover another facet of England

We’ll receive you in the town of Stone and teach you the basic manoeu­vres to steer your house­boat. It’s worth lin­ger­ing or a while in the town’s shop­ping streets before pick­ing up your house­boat. Stone is the ide­al start­ing point for a water­way cruise in Eng­land, since you can set off for a few days or weeks, so get ready ! Here, as with every­where else, the locks are an inte­gral part of the day-to-day plea­sures you’ll expe­ri­ence aboard. If you choose to nav­i­gate the Cauldon, you’ll also enjoy the joys of the lift bridges and tun­nels, mak­ing your water­way cruise even more attrac­tive. Don’t miss the old­est boat lift in the world by vis­it­ing Ander­ton.

From natural riches to the historic treasures of England

Trav­el through the 4 Coun­ties of Shrop­shire, Stafford­shire, Cheshire and West Mid­lands to admire a series of beau­ti­ful Eng­lish nat­ur­al land­scapes. Get away from it all as you embrace the char­ac­ter­is­tic roman­ti­cism of Strat­ford Upon Avon, the birth­place of William Shake­speare, or won­der at the impos­ing cathe­dral of Coven­try. You’ll have no short­age of ideas for attrac­tions to enjoy dur­ing your water­way cruise. If you’re trav­el­ling with your fam­i­ly, you should also plan a stop in Chester, where you’ll be able to take your whole crew to spend a few hours or a full day at the city’s famous zoo.

discover the region with our photos

suggested itineraries Tested and approved

Set off from Stone and navigate as your desires see fit, or follow our itinerary ideas:

Aller-retour 33km - 12 locks 10h Southwards to Great Haywood and Shugborough Hall
Aller-retour 72km - 22 locks 20h Southwards to Fradley Junction
Aller-retour 65km - 24 locks 20h Southwards to Penkridge
One week
Aller-retour 65km - 42 locks 30h Northwards to Leek
Two weeks
Aller-retour 360km - 146 locks 55h Four counties ring