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Our waterway cruises Camargue

Hire a licence free boat in Camargue

Dis­cov­er all the authen­tic­i­ty of the Camar­gue dur­ing a riv­er cruise. Rent­ing a boat with­out a license is an unusu­al way to immerse your­self in the cul­ture and reju­ve­nate amidst the nat­ur­al ele­ments omnipresent in this region.

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Discover Camargue by boat

Discover all the authenticity of the Camargue during a river cruise. Renting a boat without a license is an unusual way to immerse yourself in the culture and rejuvenate amidst the natural elements omnipresent in this region.

Rent­ing a boat to explore the Camar­gue will pro­vide you with unfor­get­table mem­o­ries. After­noons spent at the beach by the Mediter­ranean Sea with the chil­dren, walks in the region­al nat­ur­al park, vis­its to the rich her­itage of the region – you’ll have a pletho­ra of orig­i­nal ideas for out­ings and leisure activ­i­ties to enjoy dur­ing your trip in the Gard depart­ment in Occ­i­tanie. Dur­ing the sum­mer, the Camar­gue comes alive with the rhythm of numer­ous fairs and pil­grim­ages to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

Renting a boat on the Rhône to Sète canal will take you sailing along the Mediterranean Sea, passing through the Camargue, all the way to Beaucaire, traversing the Petite Camargue.

The best way to explore the Camar­gue is to rent a license-free house­boat to tru­ly immerse your­self in the region dur­ing your stay with fam­i­ly or friends. On board your rental barge, you’ll have time to chat, play togeth­er, read, and enjoy life by the riv­er. A riv­er cruise is the per­fect time to change pace and relax to the gen­tle sound of water lap­ping and the song of cicadas, along with the numer­ous birds that have found refuge in the Camar­gue Nat­ur­al Park.

Where to rent your boat ?

To vis­it the Camar­gue, whether it’s for a week­end, a mini-week, a week, or longer, head to our license-free boat rental base in Carnon. Carnon is locat­ed at the gate­way to the Camar­gue, near Aigues-Mortes, which is just a day’s sail away. Your house­boat vaca­tion will also be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy some qual­i­ty time by the Mediter­ranean Sea, espe­cial­ly on the renowned beach­es of Le Grau-du-Roi.

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canal du midi

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